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Online Earn Unlimited money from Mypayingads

A lot of people asked me what MyPayingAds is, how to make money with MyPayingAds and how safe it is. Well, if you have the patience to read the article to the end, but I’m sure you will, you find all these answers.
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What is MyPayingAds?

MyPayingAds is an online advertising program that sells advertising services. Some of its services include Banner Ads, Text Ads, Login Ads, Traffic Exchange Ads, Paid-To-Click ads, etc. You may use these services to advertise your Business/Program/Product to all the members and visitors of their site.
At first, I was skeptical about this site because it had a problem with PayPal at the end of 2015, but after a period of stagnation had a great re-launch on March 17, 2016.
The new re-launch brought with it a new design that I adore and  I find much more professional than the old one.
With the new design and launch, the site came with services such as Banner ads, text ads, ads Login, Traffic Exchange Ads, Paid-To-Click ads, etc.  Services that previously did not have, but I am very glad that they added this services.
Thanks to this new features and new design, the program has now 140.354 members and this number is rising quickly.

Revenue Share Program:

One thing you should remember, My Paying Ads isn’t an investment. Most people do not understand this. MyPayingAds is a program that sells traffic. (Advertisement packs).
What advertisement packs they sell?
Ad-Pack Plan 1:
Cost of AdPack: $5
Banner Credits: 2
Traffic Exchange Surfing Credits: 100 (You will receive 100 visits to the page you set)
Revenue Sharing Rewards (Non-Guaranteed Additional Rewards): Up to 120%
No-Repurchase rule
Maximum active ad packs one can have: 100
Ad-Pack Plan 2:
Cost of AdPack: $10
Banner Credits: 4
Traffic Exchange Surfing Credits: 200 (You will receive 200 visits to the page you set)
Revenue Sharing Rewards (Non-Guaranteed Additional Rewards): Up to 120%
No-Repurchase rule
Maximum active ad packs one can have: 100
Ad-Pack Plan 3:
Cost of AdPack: $25
Banner Credits: 10
Traffic Exchange Surfing Credits: 500 (You will receive 500 visits to the page you set)
Revenue Sharing Rewards (Non-Guaranteed Additional Rewards): Up to 120%
No-Repurchase rule
Maximum active ad packs one can have: 100
Ad-Pack Plan 4:
Cost of AdPack: $50
Banner Credits: 20
Traffic Exchange Surfing Credits: 1000 (You will receive 1000 visits to the page you set)
Revenue Sharing Rewards (Non-Guaranteed Additional Rewards): Up to 120%
No-Repurchase rule
Maximum active ad packs one can have: Unlimited

Why I choose mypayingads?

Perhaps some of you who are reading this article, are wondering why I chose MyPayingAds and why I did not choose another program of revenue sharing. Well, on the Internet there are many programs of this type and occur increasingly more.
I follow MyPayingAds since its beginnings; I follow their facebook group, and I realized that the admin is a man of trust, everything is transparent and everything they do, is designed for long-term. I think MyPayingAds is one of the best revenue sharing programs on the market and is still rising.
I hope you understand what My Paying Ads is. It’s a place where you buy advertisement packs, promote your business, or your service or your product.

How do you make money with MyPayingAds?

First, you need to fund your account, then purchase ad packs.
How do you do that?
First, you must ensure that you have a banner size (125×125,468×60,728×90), it is mandatory to set a banner to be able to buy ad packs.
Secondly, you have to buy ad packs(as many as you need) or how many you think you need for your promotion. First, you can only buy ad-pack 1 (costs 5$ and gives banner credits: 2 Traffic Exchange Surfing Credits: 100), You can only have 100 ad pack 1. After you reach 100 ad pack 1, you can buy ad packs from ad-plan 2, and so on.
Suppose you bought an ad-pack 1 (5$) you will receive back up to 120% (6$). That means you will get your money back, and you will promote your product or service at the same time. The period which you get your money back in depends on how many sales MyPayingAds makes.

The good news!

The good news is that you can call your friends to join this program through your referral link. Yes, you guessed it, you can bring new users into the program by giving them your referral link to register
And another  “good news” is that you earn 10% of the amount spent by each user which has registered his account using your referral link. Suppose someone buys  100$ traffic, you will receive 10$ in your commission balance. Is it not this something beautiful?
Promote your product or your service and receive commissions from referrals, it is something amazing! For me, this type of program worked very well.
And yet something critical !!! For money to continue to come in earnings balance, you must view 10 ads every 24 hours. Otherwise, you do not earn anything.

As payment processors,

they use Payza, 2Pay4You, Bitcoin, Perfect Money, SolidTrust.
This is pretty much all about MyPayingAds. I hope I said what is most important to say about this program. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave comments. You have a button below where you can visit MyPayingAds and why not even register.
For step by step tutorial about how to setup your MyPayingAds account read my previous article.
It is time for you to earn the first dollar online.
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Thank you for your time allocated to read this article!
