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How to Recover and Delete Your Hacked Facebook ID In Bangladesh

If you are a Bangladeshi Your Fb account this way. Sometimes, this may not work properly. In that case, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology of Bangladesh will help you to recover or delete your Facebook ID. All Facebook IDs in Bangladesh is supervised and controlled by Cyber Security department this ministry. If you find that your account is compromised, you can contact them in a structured procedure and they will help you within 72 hours with success.
How to Recover and Delete Your Hacked Facebook ID In Bangladesh
and just found that your Facebook ID has been hacked, you can easily recover it by


If you find that your Facebook ID is hacked, you can not log in to your ID, you have to decide one thing from two. Whether you want to recover your Facebook ID or you want to delete that hacked ID forever. Most people want their hacked ID back as they have a lot of memories and important information in those. Some people also want to delete the hacked ID and create a new ID in Facebook.


1 . Whatever you decided in the previous step, you have to go to your nearby police station and make aGeneral Diary (GD) to start the procedure. Many people think that it is a difficult job. But, it is one of the easiest jobs you do every day. You just have to write an application in front of the selected police officer. The police officer will help you on writing the application. Then, you will be provided with a copy of the application. That is all about the General Diary (GD). Keep the copy of GD carefully with you.
2. The second thing to do is to contact the Cyber Security Hotline +88 01766 678 888 (For Bangladesh only) and seek help from them after describing the whole accident of hacking. This hotline is open from 10 a.m to 5 p.m (Bangladesh Standard Time) every day except Friday. They will ask you whether you want to recover your ID or to delete your ID. After listening to your problem, they will provide you an email address. The address is info@cybernirapotta.­net. You have to send an email to the address with the following attachments:
a) Scanned copy of the GD
b) Colour scanned copy of your National ID Card
c) Link of the hacked Facebook ID
d) A completely new email address which has not been used anywhere till now.
3. You can contact the above number to confirm whether your email is sent or not. You will be asked to wait 72 hours. They will recover or delete the hacked ID for you within this time.
Thanks for reading this post.


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