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Risen (2016)

Image result for movie risen 2016A Roman military tribune (Joseph Fiennes) and his aide (Tom Felton) investigate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Cliff Curtis).
In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play.
Release date: February 19, 2016 (USA)
Director: Kevin Reynolds
MPAA rating: PG-13
Executive producer: David Wood
Producers: Paul Aiello, Pete Shilaimon, Mickey Liddell


Follows the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer. Clavius, a powerful Roman Military Tribune, and his aide Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem.

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