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Terminator Genisys Full movies click here

 Terminator Genisys Movie Review
Movie Name:

Terminator Genisys

Image result for terminator genisys storyline
Story Line: 
When John Connor (Jason Clarke), leader of the human resistance against Skynet, sends Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984 to protect his mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator assassin, an unexpected turn of events creates an altered timeline. Instead of a scared waitress, Sarah is a skilled fighter and has a Terminator guardian (Arnold Schwarzenegger) by her side. Faced with unlikely allies and dangerous new enemies, Reese sets out on an unexpected new mission: reset the future. 


Alan Taylor


Laeta Kalogridis, Patrick Lussier, 2 more credits »


Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke

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